
Homechoice: Networks

How do I share the HomeChoice connection using Linux?

This is pretty simple if you know what you are doing. If you are running
the Linux kernel 2.0.x you will need to use ipfwadm. If you are running the
Linux 2.2.x you will need to use ipchains. Version 2.4 of the Linux kernel
series uses iptables.

Install either ipfwadm, ipchains or iptables for your specific kernel
version if you haven't already done so. Compile your kernel to support
ipforwarding if it does not already do so. Next enable the rules for

More information is on the Linux documentation project page - see: and

You'll also need to add ipfwadm/ipchains/iptables on startup if you wish.
For RedHat Linux, you should use chkconfig. At the command line type:

#  chkconfig --list

to check that ipfwadm/ipchains/iptables is on the list.

Next type:

# chkconfig --level 345  on

where  is either ipfwadm/ipchains/iptables.

See also the question about IP addressing.

Previous : Can I share the HC connection between several computers?
Next : How do I share the HomeChoice connection using FreeBSD?

Max, Wed Feb 6 18:05:19 2002